Juliette BENTOLILA - Painting - Saint Germain Boucles de Seine

Juliette BENTOLILA - Painting
8 route de Montesson
78420 Carrières-sur-Seine


Discover the universe of artist-painter Juliette Bentolila!

After training as a graphic designer at ESAG Penninghen and a Master's degree in Plastic Arts Education at the University of Paris 1-Sorbonne, Juliette passed the Capes and taught plastic arts at college for two years. She then turned to private workshops and now gives lessons to children and adults in Croissy-sur-Seine at the Atelier du 4 (4 Place d'Aligre), alongside Catherine Vaes and Tatiana Van des Linden. .

She also devotes herself to her artistic practice and develops a poetic language through India ink drawing on paper.
The very simple forms, drawn in a few black lines, gently and powerfully express the tenderness and freedom of the characters. The color supports the line and illuminates the painting, which radiates the viewer like a heart that shines with hope.



All year round.


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