Epona Club Nature - Saint Germain Boucles de Seine

Epona Club Nature
Allée François Ier, Parc du Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

07 69 00 20 75

Pony rentals in the Parc de Saint-Germain-en-Laye to enjoy at liberty an exploration of the shady Saint-Germain forest and a breathtaking view over the River Seine and Paris from Le Nôtre's Terrace.

Pony rides from 15 minutes to 2 hours to explore this exceptional historic site with companions specially chosen for that purpose.

Suitable for children weighing no more than 30 kg. A helmet complying with current standards (provided by Epona Club) must be worn and children must be accompanied for the entire duration of their ride.
The Epona association has selected suitable companions for these pony rides. You will be given advice and an explanation of safety rules. Just follow these and it'll all go smoothly!



All year round.


Rates 2023
- 1 hour session: 40 euros for a child and a pony / 50 euros for 2 children and a pony, i.e. 25 euros per child.

- 1h30 session: 55 euros for a child and a pony / 70 euros for 2 children and a pony, i.e. 35 euros per child / 90 euros for 3 children and a pony, i.e. 30 euros per child.

Loyalty card: for 10 walks taken in 12 months, 11th walk free, i.e. 10% reduction.


Muriel, 23 July 2019
Suite à la balade "En attelage!" du 20 juillet 2019 : C'est toujours un plaisir de participer aux ateliers proposés par Epona Club. Cela sera notre deuxième balade en attelage. Elles sont accueuillantes , passionnées et bienvellantes . Les poneys sont bien traités. Hâte de retouver Prince :-). Une vraie parenthése enchantée dans ce beau parc du château.

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