Sylvie Quinot - Painting - Saint Germain Boucles de Seine

Sylvie Quinot - Painting
40 allée du Lac Inférieur
78110 Le Vésinet


Discover the universe of painter Sylvie Quinot!

The passage of time makes us realize that we are mortal. Let's hurry to enjoy life, have fun, cultivate our garden. I respect to the letter candide's sentence "we must cultivate our garden", develop our interiority. On my paintings, you see me plowing, picking, mowing...

The relationship to the body is an essential element of my artistic work: I stage my own person. I certainly use my body but it is not a self-portrait. It’s a way of expressing myself that allows me to feel things better.

I always appear in motion. Without movement, there is no perception of time. Without time there is no movement.

I am not afraid of self-mockery which is a form of relationship to the body. I translate the absurd side of existence and its corollary "carpe diem" by an artistic work close to the absurd which gives an offbeat, humorous tone to my achievements.



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